Display Related Field
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Enter name of related field to display in a EIP Queue field column. The related field must be a part of the list box. Press the ellipsis (...) button to select from the Select Field dialog.

The Display Related Field can not be set when the Condition is set in the Condition entry on the Conditional Behavior tab. To set the Display Related Field you have to follow these steps:

1.Delete the Condition entry on the Conditional Behavior tab or  
2.Insert a new Field Assignment.  
more field asignments display related field condition

Display Related Field

more field asignments display related field

Lookup Key      
Type a key label from the lookup file, or press the ellipsis (...) button to select a key from the Select Key dialog. A lookup file is a file, which contains all the valid values for the entry field, which are directly accessible through the lookup file. For example, a file containing all of the customer numbers for your application could be a lookup file. The key label could be CUS:KeyCustNumber.

tip This lookup validation works best with a single component unique key.

Display Related Field   
Enter name of related field to display in the EIP Queue field column. The related field must be a part of the list box. Press the ellipsis (...) button to select from the Select Field dialog.

Disable Auto EIP Queue Detection   
Check this box to deactivate the Auto EIP Queue Detection. The Auto EIP Queue Detection is a function to substitute the list box fields with the name of the queue fields.

When a Condition is set this check box is enabled. Under normal circumstances this check box should never be enabled. When enabled the programmer has to write the EIP Queue Field reference for every column field used. The name of the Edit in place Queue can be found on the Browse properties by selecting the Classes tab. The Edit in place Queue is called Object Name and is found in the Class definition group:


In this example the Edit in place Queue is called BRW1. If the Disable Auto EIP Queue Detection is enabled every column in the list box which is used as part of the Condition has to be preceded by BRW1.Q.Column Name (substitute Column Name with the name of the column). If the Disable Auto EIP Queue Detection is disabled the EIP Template will do this for you automatically.