The Browse Update buttons
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The BrowseUpdateButtons template provides three buttons for managing file I/O for a Browse Box: Insert, Change, and Delete. These three button Controls act on the records in a browse box. When pressed, the button retrieves the selected record and invokes the respective database action for that record.

The BrowseUpdateButtons template lets you specify an update procedure (recommended for files with two-way relationships) or edit-in-place updates, in which case you can use the EIP Template (Recommended for lookup files, files with one-way relationships). The BrowseUpdateButtons template provides the following prompts:


Update Procedure
Type a procedure name or select a procedure name from the drop-down list. If you type a new procedure name, the Application Generator adds the new procedure to the Application Tree. Note the EIP Template also supports calling the Update Procedure based on a condition set by you. See Use

Use Edit in place
Check this box to let the end user update the browsed file by typing directly into the Browse Box list. This provides a very direct, intuitive spreadsheet style of update. If this box is not checked you cannot use the EIP Template. You may configure the Edit in place behavior with the Configure Edit in place button.

Column Specific
When configuring the Edit in place behavior you can specify the CLASS object to use when editing a specific list box column by pressing the Column Specific button. Then press the Insert button for each column for which you want to change the column properties.


The Column Specific dialog lets you control the class (and object) the procedure uses to edit a specific Browse box column. You may specify your own or a third party class. By default, the Browse Update Button template generates code to use the EditEntryClass in the ABC Library. You can also use the other edit classes. Currently the EIP Template supports the following classes:


This does not stop you from using another class and still use the EIP Template. As long as the new class also supports the settings set in the EIP Template. For example you could use the EditEntryClass in the EIP Template for a specific column even though you have selected EditDropListClass in the Update Button templates Column Specific dialog.


The Application Generator must know about the CLASS you specify, see the Template Overview, ABC Compliant Classes section in the Application Handbook for more information. See the Classes Tab.

For more details about the BrowseUpdateButtons template see the Clarion Template Guide.

The BrowseUpdateButtons template is a standard template in Clarion © SoftVelocity